Garloo Said (past entries)

Contact Garloo

Talk to Garloo

Kitty Bukkake
Standing Room Only
Beulah Bondi

Tuesday, Apr. 08, 2003 - 2:16 p.m.

10:48 a.m. Received following e-mail from The Boss:

Brother Garloo,

I had hoped that to see you at St. Victor�s Eucharistic homage this past first Sunday of the month. Unfortunately you happened to miss a truly wonderful prayer session. Those of us who did bother to attend were treated to a spectacular basking in the presents and glory of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. As is usual, Vespers began promptly at 4:30. As the devoted congregation sang "O Radiant Light, O Sun divine Of God the Father�s deathless face. O image of the Light sublime that fills the heav�nly dwelling place" I looked around the church to see if you had snuck in late. But rest assured that even though you weren�t thinking about our Lord he was thinking of you when I said a special prayer to Him in your name during the rousing Canticle of Mary. I hope you�re having a blessed day. I look forward to seeing you at church for the next Eucharistic service, May 4th, so mark that calendar!


Brother The Boss

10:49 a.m. Response to above e-mail:

Dear Sister Mary The Boss,

Who wasn�t thinking of the Lord? I think of nothing else. When I am criticizing you to others behind your back for your bizarre and strange behavior I ask, "Lord, what was he thinking?" When I stop and reflect on my association with you I ask, "Lord, what have I done to deserve this?" When I receive e-mails like this from you I ask, "Lord, strike him dead before I do." So please, before you cast aside your newfound spiritual peace and point a judgmental finger my way in an accusatory tone and make unchristian-like assumptions that I wasn�t thinking of the Lord be fair warned that I've asked both the Lord and The Unnamed to get you but good!

Peace right back at ya,


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