Garloo Said (past entries)

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Talk to Garloo

Kitty Bukkake
Standing Room Only
Beulah Bondi

Tuesday, Feb. 18, 2003 - 6:23 p.m.

10:33 a.m. Determined to finish up my on-line Internet dating personals profile questionnaire I launch right in with:

Question 15: Most humbling moment?

Wow, there are so many to choose from. Most humbling? I could go with the time I tried to pay for drinks at Neiman Marcus� Bar on 4 with my Visa card only to be told that they don�t accept anything but American Express. That was certainly humbling. Or the moment I was first called, "Sir" or that it was pointed out that my hair was receding or being mistaken for someone that works at KFC or having a salesclerk suggest I�d be more comfortable in an XL or when I�m running my ass off in a marathon and am passed by a bunch of nanas or when I�m fretting over what to say on my Internet dating personals add profile and realize this is what my life has come to. Yep, that�s the one, my most humbling moment, that moment when I understood the consequences of every wrong choice every wrong decision and every wrong turn I ever made throughout my life that got me to this place right here right now. God, I admit it, I am humbled, rat fucked and humbled. However, for the sake of not wanting to alienate any potential dates I think I�ll chill a bit and come back to this tomorrow.

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