Garloo Said (past entries)

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Kitty Bukkake
Standing Room Only
Beulah Bondi

Thursday, Nov. 14, 2002 - 12:17 p.m.

9:00 p.m. The Bachelor. Guilty pleasure or mind numbing life avoider?

10:12 p.m. Glued to a very special episode of Primetime, highlighting celebrity dysfunction, I wonder if Julia Roberts is saddened at being dethroned by self christened J-Lo, Jenny on the bock or the first but undoubtedly not the last Mrs. Ben Affleck-elect as the reigning queen of tried and failed romantic associations. Hearing Jennifer speak about her past relationships and multiple marriages made me long for the old days of Julia and Keiffer, Julia and Jason, Julia and Lyle, Julia and Benjamin and makes me look forward to the day when Mrs. Affleck-Lopez is justly replaced by the future antics and relationship discourse of American�s blondest sweetheart Reese Witherspoon.

10:55 p.m. Watched the teaser for Diane Sawyer�s upcoming Primetime exclusive interview with Whitney Houston. Diane gets down and dirty asking the hard-hitting questions on everybody�s mind, "Why were you so thin?" I guess that�s why it�s called a "teaser."

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