Garloo Said (past entries)

Contact Garloo

Talk to Garloo

Kitty Bukkake
Standing Room Only
Beulah Bondi

Monday, May. 05, 2003 - 5:42 p.m.

4:50 p.m. My buddy J-Mo is one of those guys that is impossible not to love. He by far has the most clever, witty and hilariously brilliant mind of anyone I have ever met. To be in his presents is to feel uplifted. Therefore sensing J-Mo�s sadness at having to leave the country on a two-week business trip I rightfully cheered him up telling him I�d happily e-mail him everyday and everyday for the past seven days I forgot. The following is an exchange of e-mails between J-Mo and myself:

J-Mo: "Thanks for all the e-mail this week. Your words of encouragement really got me through some tough times."

Garloo: "With my dog dying I�ve had a lot on my mind."

J-Mo: "Oops. Sorry, just trying to be funny. Didn�t work. What�s going on with your dog (which one?)?"

Garloo: "Oops. Sorry, just trying to be funnier with the added bonus of a cruel streak. Dogs are fine. I�m fine. How are you?

Haven�t heard back yet.

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