Garloo Said (past entries)

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Talk to Garloo

Kitty Bukkake
Standing Room Only
Beulah Bondi

Monday, Oct. 14, 2002 - 10:24 a.m.

Friday, Oct. 11, 2002 - continued:

3:00 p.m. I rode with The Boss to pick up his kid from school. The kid�s class had spent the week at a nature camp up in Big Bear.

"Hey, Kid whatssup?" I asked. Before he could respond The Boss fired out, "Why are you wearing that cap? Take it off, now." I�m so glad I could share in this warm welcome home reunion between father and son. The Kid says, "Dad, I don�t feel well." The Boss replies, "That camp was probably ridden with germs. Now tell me, how was your behavior?"

3:18 p.m. We finally get The Kid�s stuff loaded into the car. It took awhile because The Boss had to make sure the duffel is free of all leaves, blades of grass and dirt (imaginary and/or real).

3:20 p.m.

Boss: "Did you get into trouble or not?"

Kid: "No, but a couple of boys got suspended."

Boss: "Why, what did they do."

Kid: " Monday night we were hanging out in the cabin and�"

Boss: "Was it a cabin or a building?"

Kid: "It was a building and two seventh graders�"

Boss: "Look at how filthy your hands are."

Kid: "I know. Two seventh graders started throwing acorns at�"

Boss: "Don�t put those hands on the leather put them in your lap."

Kid: "They started throwing acorns at a sixth grader and the sixth�"

Boss: "Don�t touch the leather seats. I asked you to keep your hands in your lap."

Kid: "I am."

Boss: "Your not."

Kid: "Anyhow, the sixth grader keeps getting hit by these acorns that are like rocks�"

Boss: "Did you throw any acorns?"


Boss: "Control your temper young man. Did you throw any?"

Kid: "Noooo."

I�d feel more sorry for The Kid if I didn�t think he was such a hateful child. Instead, I�m just thankful it�s a short ride back to the office.

6:45 p.m. Over beers Knoxville and I discuss The Kid�s future. Knoxville predicts drug addict by 15 incarcerated by 18. Sounds good to me but tell Knoxville that I prefer he follows in the footsteps of Eric and Lyle and make a mental note is anonymously send The Kid a copy of their TV MOW as a tutorial.

Knoxville and I decide to collaborate on a screenplay entitled, "Scenes from the Childhood of a Serial Killer." The movie would be made up of a collage of scenes from The Kid�s childhood. Just random scenes of childhood abandonment, ridicule, constant berating, disrespect and cruel and unusual, yet daily, mental torture. In fact, what a brilliant tool for his Leslie Abramson to use to convince the jury why he was justified to pull the trigger reload and pull some more.

It�s become so commonplace and can get so tedious listening to story after story, event after event, incident after incident of childhood anguish. But a docudrama, with sporadic humor, could keep a jury perched on the edge of their chairs. It could be a riveting tool in support of ones argument. It could possibly revolutionize the judicial system.

Knoxville suggested Todd Solondz to direct. Remembering the objective isn�t to actually getting him freed, I lean more towards Betty Thomas and say "Pat the little fucker on the back then let him fry."

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