Garloo Said (past entries)

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Talk to Garloo

Kitty Bukkake
Standing Room Only
Beulah Bondi

Thursday, Jun. 24, 2004 - 11:56 a.m.

10:28 a.m. Work is not the fun carefree hot spot free of worries and responsibilities that it used to be. I long for the days that I arrived, in essence, an hour late, made the rounds, charming the support staff with stories of last evenings adventures. Basically giving of myself in a way that made them feel valued and liked before popping into a meeting with colleagues. Feigning my way through gleeful salutations, all the while bringing light and humor to an otherwise tedious situation, for three or four minutes until all of the sudden my assistant, Knoxville, would rudely interrupt a brilliant idea I was just about to share to summon me to an urgent telephone call. Then, after several personal phone conversations and many many games of Free Cell I would depart for a luncheon date consisting of cottage cheese, blueberries, walnuts, a couch and People�s Court. Returning approximately two hours later only to be deluged with more personal phone conversations before leaving early for the day.

10:34 a.m. Now, as the company plummets toward financial ruin witnessed by a seemingly endless stream of farewell cakes cut and dispensed in the conference room to once valued workmates and helpers it becomes increasingly more difficult to concentrate on Free Cell.

10:56 a.m. Knoxville enters my office relieving himself of an armload of folders onto my desk. "Excuse me?" I ask. He replies, "Umm, now that Schmo�s gone The Boss wants you to take over his projects." "Excuse me?" I ask to the back of Knoxville�s head as he departs the room.

11:03 a.m. Sitting at my desk, mouth agape, unable to win a single game of Free Cell without having to use the backspace, I wonder what happened to the good times, what happened to the fun, what happened to the golden-handcuffs keeping me at a job that I have skated and hated for ten years.

11:17 a.m. After sitting in a daze for the past 15 minutes I decide to buckle down and really focus and as soon as I win a game of Free Cell in under one minute and 30 seconds without using the backspace I promise to put my attention towards my future.

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