Garloo Said (past entries)

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Kitty Bukkake
Standing Room Only
Beulah Bondi

Tuesday, Jan. 14, 2003 - 5:30 p.m.

As much as I enjoyed spending New Years in Italy and truly had one of the best times of my life I guess I didn�t fully appreciate it�s significance until traveling the 9 hour flight from London back to Los Angeles. Sitting next to a centenarian who droned on about her childhood growing up in Oakland, Ca., relating each and every modernization that has taken place since, all the while continually saying, "Now lets see, that must have been before the war, nooo, it must have been after the war, nooo, before the war, nooo, after, nooo, well anyway�" Oh how I longed for the row mate I had traveling from Venice to London, Gatwick. Mac, 60 looked 50, told me of his three year relationship of love found and lust requited while his eyes shared the added stories of happiness in finding his soul-mate, of living life�s adventures and trusting in the future. This vacation of mine is a similar story. One in which I am happy to document and share its highlights.

Day One: Friday � December 27th

11:40 a.m. I didn�t care that that if I had only made my connecting flight in Paris I�d be landing in Venice right now. I didn�t care that sleep depravation was making me nauseous or that my TSE cashmere sweater was drenched with sweat from my run through the CDG airport or that the French are the rudest least helpful people on the planet. My concern was that my traveling companions, Kevy-t and Leenie, were arriving at the San Marco Airport in Venice at 11:00 a.m. and were going to hang around to meet me upon my arrival which was supposed to be right now.

3:00 p.m. Finally arrived at the San Marco Airport. If only my luggage had done same.

3:30 p.m. After filing a Lost Luggage Claim and clearing customs I anxiously exited the airport in search of a bus that would take me to a boat that would take me 14 stops where I would then go left and proceed over 3 bridges before walking the 100 meters before finding the hotel. But before I could even push through the throngs of French tourist eager to light up I saw the bright illumination of two halos. Kevy-T and Leenie, after braving their own transatlantic flight, had waited for me. Waited patiently for me to arrive. Waited nearly four hours at the airport with nothing to sit on except uncomfortably hard plastic chairs with nothing but love and goodness in their hearts and the hope that the next plane in would be mine.

3:35 p.m. Realizing that friendship like this is priceless I can�t wait to spend ten days in Italy with these two and therefore almost feel guilty, with two free hands, not offering to help care a piece of their luggage.

Day Two: Saturday � December 28th

6:00 a.m. Peacefully sound asleep in the luxury of my "two-star" hotel room I was gently nudged awake by the bells of San Salute. The bells sounded in my ears as if a little tiny fairy had every so gently placed my head inside a steel drum and then proceeded to clang the Liberty Bell inside as well.

7:00 a.m. Read above entry.

8:00 a.m. Read above entry.

9:00 a.m. Being my first experience, ever, in a "two-star" I took two more Motrin and wept for those less fortunate spending the night in a one-star hotel. All I could imagine was that a one-star hotel would be actually located in the San Salute bell tower. Or perhaps the stable occupied by Mary and Joseph constituted a one-star. I could only imagine the embarrassment of giving birth to the Son of God and then having all those visitors over to your one-star stable.

Day Three: Sunday � December 29th

To be continued�

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